May 15, 2010

Creating Rapport

Having a good working relationship is important for everyone, whether it be of a personal nature or for those involved in people management on a daily basis.

How can we build this connection and rapport? A few basic tips can take you a long way.
  1. Active Listening. Be attentive and reflect back whatever the person in front of you is saying.
  2. Match the tone of your audience. If they are speaking slowly and softly, a loud fast pitch may annoy them
  3. Use similar language patterns. Some people talk in metaphors, others focus on future goals and yet others talk about how they feel.
  4. Be careful about the choice of words, especially when disagreeing with others. Use of the word ‘BUT’ in a  sentence creates a negative vibe, making the other person WRONG and you RIGHT. Not a good way to make friends, correct? Instead, use words such as AND, ALSO etc
  5. When trying to make a point, appeal to all the senses. Paint a vivid picture, use a harmonious tone / pitch, share the same energy levels and so on.
  6. Look through the lens of your audience. If you are rigid in your beliefs, you will fail to understand what makes the other person tick.